"Without Leaps of Imagination or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all is a form of Planning"-
"Everything has a past. Everything- a person, an object, a word, everything. If you don't know the past, you can't understand the present and plan properly for the future".-
That's may-be why present stands for "Pre-sent".
We all have a past. How to use our past to shape our present and make our future opportunistic lies within us.
I am sure as Professionals we all must have been in trouble maintaining records and reports in the traditional way. Having done with endless and tireless data entries, corrections and editions we all have discussed and dreamt about having a user-friendly systems and software which can save our and our co-workers valuable time.
Both the Organization and our Professional pathway will enjoy a competitive advantage if the organization decides to move on with software products which will solve their people's problems and increase their productivity
A fully developed Software product accrue benefits at multiple levels.
List of Advantages of Migrating to Software Products: -
1) Higher Cost-Benefit Ratio
According to studies, any software post stabilization surely has a cost-benefit over a long run. It helps business owners save approx. a few billions a year. This might surely sound unbelievable at first, but it's not surprising since these products are developed with an intention to reduce the duplication of efforts which indeed can be deployed on more productive manner hence making the software cost effective.
2) Created by Skillful and talented people
Not everyone all software developers care deeply about money and base their worth on the salary they earn. It's really rare to have someone who wish to strive and built a product that will earn the admiration of their peers and hopefully make a difference in their live. Software developers who turn ideas and creativity into a product keeping in mind the rule book of the corporate world are truly a "Change Maker and a Smile generator".
3) Highly reliable
The two main factors which decides the reliability of a software product is the main features and the user-friendliness.
The product should of course be aligned to various standards as applicable to make the product more reliable and authentic. Reliability is directly proportional to the quality of the software product. Hence, the product created with care and precision will perform well most (if not all) of the time.
4) Highly Flexible
All the efforts that goes in to match the requirements and specifications will solely decide the flexible future of the product. Can't find anything you like? Modifying and creating what we need can surely make our lives simpler and flexible.
One can choose to use their valuable time in more productive jobs which can fetch profits for the organization and in turn benefit us as well.
Advantages are definitely coupled with certain amount of Pitfalls. Here are few disadvantages that I can think of and they can surely be worked on to reduce the impactList of disadvantages of migrating to Software Products: -
1) Vulnerable to malicious users
Customization surely calls for access to the source code but at the same time not all of them carry a good intention.
Apart from improvements to the products, others might use this privilege to exploit the product's vulnerabilities and create bugs that can infect the product, steal identities or just annoy the users.
Of course with stringent quality control processes the product should be safe and near perfect when released finally.
2) Don't come with extensive support
Apart from the peace of mind the product would generate, the product creator will be unable to extent extensive support post migration and stabilization of the product. This means that you won't really receive much support (apart from the agreed terms and conditions of maintenance of the Product).
So, unless you are willing to spend time and money in understanding the product and its timely maintenance we all should acknowledge the fact that these low cost software products and easy accessibility comes with certain trade-off.